Couple’s Ministry

The Mission of “BRIDGES,” the Marriage Enrichment Ministry is to provide a biblically based environment where couples acquire knowledge, develop skills, create supportive relationships, and strengthen their resolve to cultivate a marriage that will bring glory to God and be an example to family and friends. Engaged couples are also encouraged to come and benefit from these classes.

The Ministry embraces the fact that a couple can love God, and still fail at the marital relationship due to the lack of biblical knowledge. Therefore, the focus of the ministry is to provide this knowledge, development skills in handling the divine relationship of marriage. It is NOT counseling; a couples’ personal business is of not discussed, and inquiries are not made into one’s personal relationship. Therefore, participants who attend aren’t asked to say anything and questions aren’t directed to any particular individual. This ministry is open to members and non-members. Attendees may come as couple, or individually, due to the work schedule or activity of the other partner.

A prepared lesson concerning some aspect of marital communication, finance, child rearing, dealing with in-laws, division of household responsibilities and/or the sexual relationship and responsibilities, is presented during each meeting. We never meet just to talk; however, the ministry will deviate from the prepared lesson if a couple request insight concerning a particular issue. The strength of the Marriage Enrichment Ministry is that it sheds light on what God would have us to do, and shows us “How” to accomplish a fulfilling and healthy marriage.

The ministry motto is:

Wherefore, we are no longer two but one flesh; therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate – Matthew 19:6 > Enriching Our Marriage God’s Style.

Our motto is not just a little, cute saying; it means that we are enriching our marriages according to God’s Word.

The “Bridges” Marriage Enrichment Ministry meetings are conducted on Thursday nights from 7:30 to 8:30 PM*

*Childcare is provided.